Monday, October 6, 2008

The Homeless in HK blog!

Welcome! 你好! ようこそ!! 어서오세요!! This is my blog for my book, Homeless in Hong Kong. It will also serve as my blog for all my other media projects such as my tv shows or upcoming movies I work on. I will start it off with the whole first chapter of my book. I will later on include some samples of other chapters or writings as well. I really hope this blog will showcase the journey from being just a series of scribbles in notebooks to a full published book. I also want to show the path from starting out as an extra in movies to becoming a full blown actor.

The genesis for my book started as a conversation over coffee in a Borders in downtown Chicago. I had no idea that this could actually become a book. My story is a crazy one and I hear people enjoy reading stories like this. I was more suprised to find out when I was working as an extra on some tv shows that this had film potential as well. Without further ado, here is the unedited and uncut first chapter of my book. Enjoy!!

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